Not all persons appreciate hair on particular areas of their bodies, particularly on the chest. Chest hair is perceived by many as an indication of manhood. In contrast, when hair is missing, the muscles are more visible. Some men find it very annoying and unappealing. As a result, there are men who are honoured to wear their chest hair while some would do anything possible to get rid of them permanently. It is not typical for women to grow chest hair but some women do. This is due to hormonal imbalances otherwise called hirsutism. This can result in a lack of self confidence and decreased self image in these women.
Since it is not ladylike to have hair all over the chest, these women will absolutely welcome any method to clear them of this unnecessary hair. In response to the demand for chest hair removal procedures, modern products and advanced technology have been introduced. The removal of chest hair depends on the amount of hair to be eliminated, the time you have available and what you can pay for. Chest hair can be eliminated by shaving, sugaring, waxing, threading, and using special cr?mes or by laser technology.
1. Shaving
Getting rid of hair can be done by easily by shaving it off. The problems with this option is that the hairs grow back very fast and the constant use of razors will result in irritation. If you choose to shave your chest, you will be required to do it very often and you may be able to completely remove the hairs.
2. Sugaring
Using this technique, a mixture is made by mixing sugar and lemon juice and other natural ingredients. The procedure is like waxing. In that, the mixture is smeared all over the chest and then ripped off sharply to get rid of hairs directly from the roots. The process can be performed quickly and is reasonable as the ingredients are usually in a average home.
3. Waxing
Waxing can successfully rid the chest of undesired hair but it is an extremely painful process and the results will only last for a few weeks. In this method, a wax is applied to the chest covering all noticeable hairs. The wax is usually heated. After it has been completely applied, a strip is pressed firmly on the chest and then it is pulled sharply away from the chest. The hairs are pulled right out of the roots leaving the chest smooth and silky for up to 8 weeks. However,, waxing comes with many drawbacks. It can cause itchiness, redness and also minor bleeding. If it is done inaccurately it can result in hairs breaking instead of pulling out and this will in turn lead to quicker regrowth. The procedure can also be expensive.
4. Using special hair removal products
There are a number of hair removal cr?mes and lotion available that can remove unnecessary chest hair. They are very straightforward to use - you simply apply the product and then wash off. However, the chemicals may lead to irritation.
5. Laser Technology
If you don\'t like to shave or cannot bear the pain and messiness encountered by the other methods, then laser technology is the choice for you. Although costly, this is the best option to removing chest hair permanently. It effectively works to leave chest smooth and silky for longer periods than any of the above-mentioned choices. Because of the major advancements in laser technology, the process is safer and less painful than ever before. During the process, the hair follicles are demolished so that new hair growth cannot occur. The major downside to using laser technology is that if you should be dissatisfied with the results you cannot undo the damage.
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